Microsoft Surface Barely Registers On Web Usage
Microsoft, suspecting NSA spying, to ramp up efforts to encrypt its ...
Apple CEO Tim Cook frequently cites use statistics when dismissing the... Amazon's Kindle devices lost 1.8 percentage points during the same period. ... Google was third (8.2%), followed by Barnes & Noble (7%), and Microsoft (6.4%).
Apple CEO Tim Cook frequently cites use statistics when dismissing the... Amazon's Kindle devices lost 1.8 percentage points during the same period. ... Google was third (8.2%), followed by Barnes & Noble (7%), and Microsoft (6.4%).
And while Microsoft has abandoned desktop and notebook computing by dumbing down its OS, forcing users to a tablet OS (Windows 8 and 8.1) on all PCs, Apple thinks differently --
Apple's new Mac Pro signals commitment to professional computing
IDG News Service - Apple is sending a signal that it hasn't abandoned the professional computing market with the latest Mac Pro, which will ship next month....

IDG News Service - Apple is sending a signal that it hasn't abandoned the professional computing market with the latest Mac Pro, which will ship next month....
Google brings automatic voice search to computers running Chrome
Laptop and desktop users can now do a Google search without typing just by speaking aloud, with a Chrome extension that Google made available on Tuesday.

Economic Times
Laptop and desktop users can now do a Google search without typing just by speaking aloud, with a Chrome extension that Google made available on Tuesday.
Economic Times
Microsoft, suspecting NSA spying, to ramp up efforts to encrypt its ...
Washington Post
Two previously unreleased slides that describe operations againstGoogle and Yahoo include references to Microsoft's Hotmail and Windows Live Messenger ...

The Verge
Google Street View Lands In Airports
Two previously unreleased slides that describe operations againstGoogle and Yahoo include references to Microsoft's Hotmail and Windows Live Messenger ...
The Verge
Google Street View Lands In Airports
Google took its Street View cameras into a handful of the world's busiest... Travelers can now use Google Street Views to see a preview of the stops along their ...

Amazon at Record Shows Divergent Views on Holiday E-Commerce
Google took its Street View cameras into a handful of the world's busiest... Travelers can now use Google Street Views to see a preview of the stops along their ...
Amazon at Record Shows Divergent Views on Holiday E-Commerce
Investors are taking divergent views on Inc. (AMZN) and EBay Inc. ... Amazon, the world's largest Web retailer, reached a record today, climbing 1.3 ...
Microsoft's New CEO Will Have Gobs Of Money To Reinvigorate The ...
Investors are taking divergent views on Inc. (AMZN) and EBay Inc. ... Amazon, the world's largest Web retailer, reached a record today, climbing 1.3 ...
Microsoft's New CEO Will Have Gobs Of Money To Reinvigorate The ...
MOT wound up in Google's embrace and has simply continued to slide into further ... It is almost like the antithesis of Apple's supposedly intuitive approach to ...

BGR India
Google's sub-$200 Moto G smartphone goes on sale early
MOT wound up in Google's embrace and has simply continued to slide into further ... It is almost like the antithesis of Apple's supposedly intuitive approach to ...
BGR India
Google's sub-$200 Moto G smartphone goes on sale early
San Jose Mercury News
NEW YORK -- Motorola will start selling a cheap smartphone in the U.S. more than a month ahead of schedule. The company says it was able to produce the ...

Latino Post
Why Amazon is goosing Prime memberships
Watch Comet ISON hurtle toward the sun
NASA releases a short movie showing comet ISON's approach near the fiery grasp of the sun over the course of five days. Comet ISON poses for a telescopic photo ...
NEW YORK -- Motorola will start selling a cheap smartphone in the U.S. more than a month ahead of schedule. The company says it was able to produce the ...
Latino Post
Why Amazon is goosing Prime memberships
FORTUNE -- Last Friday, Amazon (AMZN) announced customers can now officially give others a $79 Amazon Prime membership -- a move that came just ...

Hollywood Reporter
FORTUNE -- Last Friday, Amazon (AMZN) announced customers can now officially give others a $79 Amazon Prime membership -- a move that came just ...
Hollywood Reporter
Watch Comet ISON hurtle toward the sun
NASA releases a short movie showing comet ISON's approach near the fiery grasp of the sun over the course of five days. Comet ISON poses for a telescopic photo ...
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